Old Pallet Made New
I am all about taking old things and making them new. I am still learning to embrace it. My husband is so much better at stepping out and taking the old and actually doing something about it.
He came home from work the other day with an old pallet piece. He was extremely excited. I took one look at it and was a little bewildered about what to do with it.
As it sat in our house I took a closer look at what it looked like and an image formed in my head. It looked like a broken piece of fence. I became very excited about the new piece and instantly knew I had to hang it in my house.
Like I said before my husband is so much better at making things happen. A lot of times I cast the vision but lack the motivation to make it happen. If it were up to me, the project would have taken me much longer to complete even though it really didn't need much; it just needed some sanding and a little paint.
Without further ado, here is the finished product!!
We did a little sanding because it was just raw splintered wood. I just wanted to tame down the edges so it wouldn't hurt anyone. Then we threw a thin coat of paint on it and voila!
I really like the final product and it didn't cost us a thing!! All the better, am I right?!
Let me know what you think?
I've got several projects pending that I will be showing you in time and as soon as I can complete them!
Making old things new,
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